Author John Mason Brown once wrote, "I am ready any time. Do not keep me waiting."
That is exactly how I always feel in March. A sunny day will appear, and I think, "oh spring is coming!" However, I know in the high desert climate of northern Colorado, nothing could be further from the truth! Today is one of those days - sunny and 50 degrees - and I feel like I should be planting seedlings. However, tomorrow will work its way down to sub zero temperatures and include several inches of much needed snow. Even in the greenhouse, that is much too bitter cold for seedling. And a snow in May is not so unusual - so I wait........
I have started a few trays of flowers that take a long time to germinate, such as lisianthus, and some that will grow on slowly, such as the Chinese Forget me Not seedlings in the photo. But only a few trays out of hundreds and I am ready - but it's not time yet - so I wait.....
I think March is the longest month for my flower farming life. I am so ready to start the seeds, watch them grow, take care of them until time to plant. But if I start too soon, they will be ready before the field is ready to receive them, and I will risk not planting them when they need to be planted. So this weekend I will browse growing articles, look at Instagram pictures from the south, and dream, and wait........ The right time is coming - and before I know it, my field will be awash in color!